At this time it's not possible to restore a previous game's progress. If you made in-app purchases in your game before you uninstalled, please read below for more info:
On Apple Devices:
Load the game and click on the Shop. At the bottom right of the shop, you should see a button "Restore Purchases" just above "free cash." Please note, "consumable" items in the game will not restore. For example, cash is a consumable item. However, things like item unlocks or the remove-ads option are not consumable, and will be included in the "Restore Purchases" function.
On Android Devices:
Please click the pause button in your game and click Feedback to contact our support team. Please include the GPA number for each transaction in your message. It looks like this: GPA.0000-0000-0000-0000 (where there are zeros, you will see your order number). The number is located on your receipt from Google, you can also access this info from within your Google Account.
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