FAQ - General
Answers to all of your questions about the game
- My friend is playing the game on iOS, why does it look different from my game on Android?
- How do I remove a pot?
- How do I use the fertilizers?
- How do I play a record?
- How do I buy a safe from Lee? Who is Lee?
- How do I put my cash and weed in the safe?
- How do I remove my cash and weed from the safe?
- How do I fight back against the Gangsters?
- How do I use the sofa?
- Where is the Pacific Wallpaper? I don't see it in the store.
- I stepped away from my game for a moment and now all my pots are gone!
- The timer on my plants is frozen! My plants are frozen!
- Sandy's panties went away after 5 minutes of play. Where did they go?
- Why is the Painting I purchased from Mary missing? I just bought it!
- How do deals on Aaron's phone work?
- How do I check my inventory?
- I received a pot as a bonus, but I don't see it in my grow room. What happened?
- Why does my XP tally have a minus sign in it? Why can't I level up?